[Salon] When will the music stop?

Rana Foroohar, Global Business Columnist
February 7, 2022

US consumers are in better shape than they were before the 2008 crisis, but we are nowhere near double-digit savings rates © Bloomberg

America regularly consumes more than it produces. That’s simply how our economy has been designed to work over the past half century. Part of this is about the power of the dollar in the global economy, which allows us to borrow more than we should. Part of it is about policy decisions made to prioritise the service sector over manufacturing (and the trade ramifications of that, which I cover in my latest column). All of it has been facilitated by the rise of dollar denominated assets over a long period of time. But as Swamp Notes readers will know, I believe that this era will eventually come to an end, as the financialisation of the US economy collides with the rise of China.

Michael Pettis, along with Matthew Klein, have written eloquently about how the dysfunctional trade and currency relationship between the US and China will eventually break in their book Trade Wars Are Class Wars. As they put it, China’s not to blame for America’s problems (or visa versa), but rather imbalances within the countries themselves that have created tension. Despite recent gains, China still doesn’t consume enough, Pettis pointed out in his recent FT opinion piece, which is one reason the country just reported its largest trade surplus in history.

China’s dual economy and common prosperity efforts are in part about changing that, creating a more equal balance of consumption and local production for the Chinese themselves, as well as the countries along the “One Belt, One Road” pathway that are in their economic orbit. I think this sort of economic regionalisation makes sense for many reasons, from economic to environmental. When there’s a price on carbon, long supply chains simply don’t make as much sense.

As I argued in this column, there are many lessons that the US can take from China’s efforts around debt reduction, corporate governance and inequality. The problem is that we don’t have anywhere near the long-term view about our economy that China has about its own. This has led us to a deeply dysfunctional place in which central bankers are propping up the economy with monetary policy alone. This has raised asset prices, but also encouraged overconsumption and inequality (for more on that, read Christopher Leonard’s book The Lords of Easy Money, which tracks former Kansas City Federal Reserve chief Thomas Hoenig, a rare and thoughtful Cassandra of easy money.

Watching the ups and downs of the market in recent weeks, I’ve become more preoccupied with the problem of how we get off the easy money train without a recession or even a depression. I had a catch-up conversation with Hoenig last week to discuss the topic. Like me, he wishes the Fed would have tightened a long time ago. Now, we both worry that tightening into a slowdown will mean higher unemployment, and also rock markets in ways that will become a big headwind to growth. This is actually the fundamental issue. We’ve become so dependent on asset price increases that we may not be able to grow strongly, at least in the short term, without them.

So where does this leave us? “I think over the next year, we are going to see-saw towards higher inflation,” Hoenig said, with the Fed possibly having to move back and forth on tightening depending on what happens in the market. Longer term, he says, “we must encourage more savings”, as well as domestic production, to rebalance the economy. But Americans aren’t used to this kind of austerity. As I wrote back in April 2020, the last time American savings rates went up significantly from nearly zero was back in the 1930s and 1940s.

Consumers are certainly in better shape than they were before the 2008 crisis. But we are nowhere near double-digit savings rates. And yet, as this McKinsey Global Institute study shows, of the 45 episodes of deleveraging in mature economies since 1930, half involved sustained periods of austerity.

Of course, if we save, interest rates have to go up. Consumption has to go down. Ultimately, production must increase. This is a wholesale change in the economy of the sort that the Biden administration has tried to articulate in some ways, by encouraging domestic manufacturing and more training to raise wages and productivity together. But it’s not a quick shift, and even if it can be done, it requires central bankers and policymakers working hand in hand, over a long period of time. It also may lead to painful dollar market corrections in the short term.

I don’t want to say that America doesn’t have the capacity to do this, because frankly, I’m sick of that kind of easy, boring defeatism, from pundits in particular. But it does seem to call for another Paul Volcker-type personality at the Fed, and a president who can articulate the painful truth — that our half-century party of financialisation is coming to an end, and we have harder years ahead of us to get to a better place.

Ed, how does a political leader even articulate a message like this today? When was the last time you heard a political figure in any country articulate a hard truth, and then act on it in a way that made things better? As you can see, I’m desperately looking for some illustrative lessons from history here and invite not only Ed, but readers, to submit them.

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